swtor smuggler gunslinger skill tree

Level 10 - Smuggler | Star Wars: The Old Republic.

swtor smuggler gunslinger skill tree
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - FULL SABOTEUR Gunslingers in 2.0 end.
2.3 - Sabslinger Skill Tree. 3 - PvE like a. Sab's build is one of the three way to go as a Gunslinger, and imho, is the best of the three indeed.
Blueheart's PvE Gunslinger Sharpshooter Guide 1.1 .. At endgame smuggler AOE is very strong and its very important to aoe kill large .. and Mortal wound ( Talent buffs to vital shot) in the Dirty fighting talent tree. ... This is how haste works in wow, but not sure the developement on alacrity in swtor.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Gunslinger or Scoundrel?
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Which skill tree while leveling?
SWTOR Smuggler Gunslinger Guide (Sharpshooter PvE Endgame Guide.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Blueheart's PvE Sharpshooter Guide 1.0.